Picture shows Mr Pradit Prechanont, President of The Healing Family Foundation, demonstrating the free-form weaving that they refer to as "weaving dreams" when we dropped in recently at the centre located in a quiet part of Chiang Mai. We also met with their Japanese adviser Mr Haruo Nakayama who introduced this activity to the centre as well as to a number of Asian countries.

We wanted to learn more about this weaving technique that encourages artistic expression and that can be learnt by anyone, to explore creative uses for the colourful woven fabric as a way to contribute to the centre's fund. Our initial impression is that the cost of the material would be a major obstacle as the fabric is ten times more costly per square-foot compared to quality cotton fabrics with beautiful prints in the marketplace.
Sadly, we've found that high cost is the major barrier to our attempt to support the services and products which welfare agencies provide. If agencies can be more competitive in their pricing, they'll definitely be able to raise more funds for themselves.
Note: Visitors can purchase products made by The Healing Family Foundation at its premises. Details of the centre's products, activities and location are on its website at www.hffcm.org.