In January, we revealed that we were embarking on our most ambitious "Creative Recycling" venture to-date ~ to turn coffee bean sacks into useful and attractive products. After nearly two month's effort, we are quite pleased with what we have achieved so far with the different wonderful folks we've been working with in our social enterprise. Here's a preview of our initial results:
Coffee bean sack Teddy Bears with crocheted flowers. |
Together with our very talented crocheter Third (who makes our series of Koolly Bears and Gang ~ see our February posting), we came up with these coffee-sack teddy bears, bag charms, mug holder and cup coaster, pencil holder, and reversible tote bag that becomes a fabric tote when turned inside out (the bear face on the bag is also a pocket).
These creations show how touches of skillful crocheting can make an amazing difference to ordinary objects and dashes of colours can bring out the unusual charm of the gunny sack (also known as burlap) material.
Teddy Bear and Angel Bear with key chain that
can be used as bag charms. |
Crocheted bear features made these Mug Holder and
Cup Coaster fun and unusual. |
Gunny sack Pencil Holder with crocheted bear made from
special jute-fibre yarn. |
Reversible Tote Bag with crocheted bear-face pocket and
floral cotton fabric inside lining. Turned inside out and it becomes
a fabric tote with inside bear-face pocket. |
NOTE: Look out for Part Two of our CREATIVE RECYCLING VENTURE with COFFEE BEAN SACK. Coming up soon!